A Message of Welcome

As Rector of Grace Church, Brantford, where everyone is welcome, I invite you to peruse our new Website. It is still under construction and changing just as this new pandemic reality has altered our normal way of life, how we build & maintain relationships, offer worship, stay connected and provide pastoral care.

2020 will be a year to remember. In our 190 year presence we continue to joyfully proclaim in word and action God’s hope that is within us. With God’s grace we will emerge stronger, more whole and more aware of our roles within our community as God’s children and stewards of the earth.

Covid 19 created unusual times for all of us. You will notice that our usual events and services have changed to our new reality. We have shifted our Sunday Worship Services to electronic delivery offering a limited form of worship to those who have the computer technology to receive it. Each time a new piece of information or video is added to our website, we are saving it in the links below. This includes Sunday Worship, pastoral messages, activities and updates from our Bishop, Wardens and Staff.

Grace Anglican is a vibrant, thriving community of individuals and families who are grateful for the life and vitality our Brantford community offers. The news isn’t so good these, let alone Gospel. But God made another promise: “In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

What gives you hope amid these very trying times?

Come and see, you’re all welcome.

We are an inclusive community of faith seeking to be obedient to Jesus’ teachings and model his love.

Greetings to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ!

I am the Rev. David Hyatt, but most folks just call me Father Dave.  I am the honourary assistant curate here at Grace Anglican, the Mother Church of Brantford, and I am delighted to extend my warmest welcome to you.

I am thrilled to be a priest here at Grace. My mom and dad joined Grace in 1957, so I was born here, raised here and, aside from a few brief years that I spent St, Luke’s Anglican, I have spent all of my life here as part of this parish family: the nursery, the Sunday School, Junior Choir, Youth Group, Senior Choir, member of Parish Council, Warden, Lay Reader and now – I still find it hard to believe! – “priested” here in June 2019. My life and that of my family is tied to this beautiful place and especially to the wonderful people here because for all the great things Grace Church has meant to me over the years, it’s the relationships that mean the most! This is truly my church family, my brothers and sisters in Christ! What a terrific company of sinners where we care for one another and our community in loving service as we seek to learn about and to know Christ in Word and Sacrament, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to serve Him in those around us.

Am I enthusiastic for this place? Heck ya, you bet! I hope you will be, too! Enjoy your visit to our website, and I hope you will get the chance to drop by in person sometime; Please take this as your personal invitation to join our worship in the best of the Anglican tradition, and if you do, please be sure to say “hi,” I’d love to show you around this incredibly special place.

May God richly bless you always, in all ways.

Fr. David+