A Message of Welcome
When you visit us, we hope that you find that everyone is welcome and that we are a caring community.
In 2025, we will be celebrating our 195th anniversary. We continue to joyfully proclaim in word and action God’s hope that is within us. With God’s grace we will emerge stronger, more whole and more aware of our roles within our community as God’s children and stewards of the earth.
Grace Anglican is a vibrant, thriving community of individuals and families who are grateful for the life and vitality our Brantford community offers. The news isn’t so good these, let alone Gospel. But God made another promise: “In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
What gives you hope amid these very trying times?
Come and see, you’re all welcome.
We are an inclusive community of faith seeking to be obedient to Jesus’ teachings and model his love.