Monthly Drive Thru Food Drive

Grace Anglican Church 4 Pearl St, Brantford, Ontario

Monthly Drive Thru Food Drive 10 am - 12 pm Drive to the Pearl St door and pop your trunk.  A representative

Stewardship Committee Zoom Meeting

A stewardship meeting will be held via Zoom.  Email Chris at if you wish to attend.

Vestry Meeting Via Zoom

Our annual vestry meeting will be held via Zoom on February 21st at 11 am.  Please send an email to for an

Sunday Worship

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost Readings: Jeremiah 23: 23 - 29, Hebrews 11: 29 - 12: 2, Luke 12: 49 - 56  

Sunday Worship

Summer worship services are at 10 a.m. followed by a social time where refreshments are offered.  

Annual Garage Sale & BBQ

Our annual garage sale and BBQ will be held to raise money to mental health support in the community.

Christmas Eve Service

Grace Anglican Church 4 Pearl St, Brantford, Ontario

Worship service at 7 p.m.

Christmas Day Service

Grace Anglican Church 4 Pearl St, Brantford, Ontario

Worship service at 10 a.m.